Thursday, September 29, 2011

Field Trip

We wanted to get closer to the river, but with all the rain, it didn't make sense to go down to the river by the monastery because the field below was full of muck, so we decided to make a try for the Walkway Across the Hudson.  This is a footbridge built on an old frieght train trestle.  However, as we arrived, that was closing due to approaching storms.

You would think that a bunch of youth leaders would heed that warning and head back to the safety of the monastery.  You would be wrong.  We headed to the FDR bridge which is just a bit south.

Of course once there we decided to venture out on the footpath along that bridge...

We walked out to the first tower, where there was a sound installation of music composed totally with sounds the bridge makes.  So we listened to that for a while and captured a few pictures while there...

Of course, since we were all focusing on the installation and facing the tower, we failled to see the storm moving down the Hudson until it was right on top of us.  Perhaps the officals at the footbridge had some real knowledge.  As the storm came up, I decided that standing on a huge high hunk of steel was not the smartest thing to be doing in a thunderstorm, so we sprinted to the cars... but too late as we all got soaked.  Later we went down to the river level to see that it was already a bit high, with more sure to come.

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