Thursday, October 1, 2009

Companions for the Journey - Part 2

After a couple of days here and getting used to the operation of the place, I'm beginning to get to know the other people here - both brothers and guests (my companions on this journey). The most interesting thing to me is that I'm definitely a minority here, since almost everyone is ordained. My typical dining companions are a couple of priests on individual retreats like me and some of the "paint your faith" retreaters - as well as a brother or two. Conversations happen over the meals - except for breakfast which is in silence and the first part of lunch when Br. Ron is reading from the 1776 book. They also happen around the coffee area, and as we encounter each other around the place.

The common thing we all have is that we're here on some sort of journey... each of us seeking some way to connect with God. I'm sure each of us is bringing some sort of baggage that we must deal with (like my need to get away this afternoon), but we also each bring something to the table to share as well. One of the paint your faith participants is an ordained chaplain in a retirement center. It was interesting talking to her considering my recent experiences putting Mom in a nursing home and Kristen's contrasting experience with her mother and nursing homes. I'm bringing an outsider perspective. So far I'm the only one who seems to be employed outside the religious establishment. But I'm also bringing my experience in working with youth, as every church struggles with how to do this in the best way for them.

It was fun after Supper to visit the mini-exhibition put on by the paint your faith people. This seems to be part art class and part group sharing experience. It sounded interesting, but not exactly my cup of tea. Maybe they need a Photograph Your Faith course...

Also at Supper tonight, we were joined by new companions - most notably a small youth group from Toronto. It was interesting to see them at Compline with the same bewildered look on their faces I had just a day or two ago (perhaps I still do). I loved the very pure reaction the kids gave to being spritzed with the water hammer thingy at the end of Compline (I'm sure it also has a special religious name like Waterhammerthingium). I'm still trying to figure that one out, but I guess it's some sort of symbolic blessing that's to remind us of our baptism.

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