Saturday, October 3, 2009

Reflection... Water

This morning I went back down to the river. For some reason, I don't see a lot of the guests down here - especially in the morning. This has been my favorite spot to sit. I'm on a makeshift slate bench that's on a rock outcrop about 4 feet above a slate pebble beach. It's quiet and peaceful, and the gentle sound of the waves lapping against the beach allow your mind to wonder. It's especially interesting to see the waves suddenly increase in intensity about 2 minutes after a boat passes - even if it was far from shore.

It's interesting how I'm drawn to the water. One of the monks might tell me it has something to relate to my baptism, but I'm not sure I'd agree. We all seem to be drawn to water - Christian or not. (I remember seeing all the nice houses along the Tigris river in Iraq from my brother's pictures when he served over there.)

Here at the monastery we do immerse ourselves in water (figuratively if not literally - I haven't seen anyone swimming yet). We're dipping our fingers in a bowl of water upon arriving for the services, getting spritzed with the aspergillum (I told you there was a name for the waterspritzerthingy) at the end of Compline, a little water is mixed with wine for the Eucharist and of course we consume it at meals all the while spending time along this gorgeous waterway.

The sounds of this spot by the river encourage meditation as well. While I'm sitting here I can hear the sounds of the chimes at the Vanderbilt Estate across the river. Some birds are keeping me company and some squirrels are playing nearby. There's a very distant hum from traffic across the river and now suddenly the sound of raindrops hitting the leaves (and now my journal as well).

Maybe the gentle rain is telling me to shut the book and listen for a bit...

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